Saturday, September 11, 2010

Cloud 9

Just finished this fella flying high with his owl mask.
i like nines.


  1. I'm loving your new work Belinda. How are you creating your art these days? Is this piece digital, I can't seem to work it out! Either way it looks great.
    Antonia x

  2. thanks antonia! it's a mix, part hand-done, then compiled digitally.
    the clouds are a photograph i took of my shadow and sand at the beach through a kaleidoscope. the dude is hand-drawn and painted with watercolour. the spiros are from my new old spirograph set and ink. the raindrops are cut n pasted from photocopies i photocopied over and over until the atoms exploded.

    i'm following your blog now and not sure why i wasn't before?? i'm following from my akimbo blog and thought i was from this one too!
    your work is lovely and your animation is VERY FABULOUS! fantastic work! i'm all inspired!

    i look forward to catching up with you soon antonia.

  3. This is a fantastic piece.

    I'd never before considered what it would be like to sit on Cloud 8 anticipating the leap to Cloud 9, but now I have and it's great.

    Felicity x

  4. thanks felicity - i imagine it would be much akin to frogger...waiting for that drifting lilly pad or floating log?
